immersive learning
The IT industry is undergoing a seismic shift, and the demand for skilled Artificial Intelligence & Business Intelligence professionals is skyrocketing. A post-graduate program in Artificial Intelligence & Business Intelligence Program positions you at the forefront of this transformation. Emerging India Analytics’ program equips you with the expertise to unlock a thriving career in this dynamic field, empowering you to solve complex challenges and drive innovation through the power of data and intelligent systems.
As the digital age accelerates, businesses are increasingly relying on data-driven insights to stay competitive, making expertise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Intelligence (BI) more crucial than ever. Companies across industries need professionals who can analyze complex data, uncover trends, and use AI to drive informed decision-making and innovation. Emerging India Analytics’ Post-Graduate Program in AI & BI is perfectly tailored to meet this market demand. With a focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical applications, the program provides you with the tools to excel in AI and BI, ensuring you stay ahead in this fast-paced, technology-driven world. It offers a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on learning, and industry-relevant skills, making it the best option for those looking to thrive in a high-growth, high-demand field.
- 50 hour Pre-Learning: Before you embark on the live academic session, get ready for the Program. You will get a series of online recorded tutorials to understand the structure of Data Science to know about the fundamentals which would enrich your future learning experience..
- 250 hours Program: Here, you will get execution-based learning experience on Advance Excel, SQL, R Programming, Python, Statistics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Tableau, Power BI, Big Data with Hadoop & Spark along with Advanced Gen AI.
- 250 hours Post Program:Data Science is truly an application-based learning where learners always need to revisit the previously delivered class lectures to complete their learning & submit required tests & assignments that are given periodically throughout the learning journey. All previously delivered lectures will be accessible to the learners for entire life time.
- 140 Hours of Project Engagement : In order to achieve the desired outcome of this robust program & develop industry-specific skill sets, more than 100 numbers of Domain-Specific projects will be assigned after completion of every module. This dedicated engagement on projects will not only help the learners to be able to take data-driven decisions but also will ensure successful career transition in the Data Science domain.
Module 1. Data Science with Advanced Excel, Python, Statistics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and R-Programming
📚No. of Lectures:1
⏳Duration of Lecture:1.5 hours
🌟Assignment: 0
- Microsoft Excel Overview, Formatting excel and shortcuts.
- Basic Formulas, Sorting data, Filtering data, Column chart.
- Pie chart, Pivot tables, Vlookup, Match Function, Lookup Function.
- VBA, Interview Questions.
📚No. of Lectures: 4
⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hours
📝Assessment: 3
🌟Assignment: 2
- Why Python, PEP-8, Variables,Data Types, Operators,Strings, Indexing
- Block Structure, Data Structures.
- Functions, Lamda Function ,Modules, Class.
- Intro to Numpy, Pandas,
- Pandas, Matplotlib.
- Seaborn.
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assessment: 3
🌟Assignment: 2
- Descriptive stats [Sample, Population, Mean, Median, Mode, Std Deviation, Variance, Range, IQR, Outliers]
- skewness, kurtosis,Probability
- Probability Distributions- Discrete Probability Distribution [Probability Mass Function, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Discrete Uniform Distribution
- Probability Distributions- Continuous Probability Distribution [Probability Density Function, Normal Distribution, Continuous Uniform, Exponential Distribution, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Interval
- Hypothesis testing [Z test: One Sample , Student T distribution: One Sample T-test, Two Sample T-test]
- Hypothesis testing : [Chi Square- Chi-Square goodness of fit, Chi square test of independence]
- Annova [one Way Annova]
- Covariance, Correlation [ Pearson, Spearman, Linear]
📚No. of Lectures: 4
⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hours
📝Assessment: 4
🌟Assignment: 2
- Introduction to ML, Encoding, Feature Scaling[Normalization, Standardization], Linear regression
- AUC ROC Curve, Confusion Matrix, MSE, MAE,RMSE, R2 Score, Adj R2 Score, F1 Score, Accuracy
- Logistic Regression,Decision Trees
- Cross Validation [K-fold cross-validation, Hold-out cross-validation, Stratified k-fold cross-validation]
- Naive Bayes,KNN
- SVM,Random Forest
- Type 1 and Type 2 error, Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression
- Ada Boost, Adagrad
- XgBoost
- PCA,K-Means
📚No. of Lectures: 10
⏳Duration of Lecture: 30 Hours
📝Assessment: 4
🌟Assignment: 4
- Introduction to Neural Network, Foreward Propagation, Activation Function
- Activation Function[ Linear, Sigmoid, Tanh, ReLu, Leaky ReLu, ELU, Softmax, Swish]
- Optimizers[ SGD, RMSProp, Adam, Adadelta, Adamax, Adagrad,Nadam]
- Loss [Classification- BinaryCrossentropy class/ CategoricalCrossentropy class/ SparseCategoricalCrossentropy class/ Poisson class/ binary_crossentropy function/ categorical_crossentropy function/ sparse_categorical_crossentropy function]
- Loss[Regression- MeanSquaredError class, MeanAbsoluteError class, MeanAbsolutePercentageError class MeanSquaredLogarithmicError class, CosineSimilarity class]
- Weight Initialization [ Xavier Weight Initialization, Normalized Xavier Weight Initialization, He weight Initialization]
- Padding, Pooling, Convolution
- NN Implemention
- Callbacks [ ReduceLROnPlateau, ModelCheckpoint]
- Callbacks [Earlystopping, TensorBoard], Keras Tuner
- Neural Network Implementation
📚No. of Lectures: 11
⏳Duration of Lecture: 33 Hours
📝Assesment: 3
🌟Assignment: 2
- Introduction to TSA, Component of TSA
- Methods to check stationarity [ADF (Augmented Dickey-Fuller), KPSS (Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin)]
- Time Series Analysis – AR
- Time Series Analysis [Moving Average, Simple Moving Average (SMA), Cumulative Moving Average (CMA) Exponential Moving Average (EMA)]
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 33 Hours
📝Assesment: 3
🌟Assignment: 2
- What is R Programming, Variables and Data Type in R.
- Logical Operators,Vectors,List,Matrix,Data Frame,Flow Control, Functions in R.
- Data Manipulation in R- dplyr, Data Manipulation in R- tidyr.
- Data Visualization In R,
- 📚No. of Lectures: 4
- ⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hours
- 📝Assessment: 2
- 🌟Assignment: 0
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
🌟Projects: 5
Module 2. Business Intelligence Using SQL,Tableau and Power Bl
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Trigger, Stored Procedures, Common Table Expression, Index, Except, Exists, Grouping set
- Pivot, Rollup, Cube, Constraints, Partition
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assessment: 3
🌟Assignment: 2
- Tableau Desktop, Tableau products
- Data import, Measures, Filters
- Data transformation, Marks, Dual Axis
- Pareto Analysis, Table calculation, Multiple data source blending
- Advanced charting techniques, Tableau prep tool
- Manage worksheets, Data visualization, Dashboarding,Project
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assessment: 3
🌟Assignment: 2
- Multiple data source blending
- Basic of SSIS for ETL
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assessment: 3
🌟Assignment: 1
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
🌟Projects: 3 – 5
Module 3. BIG DATA
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Introduction, Installation, Data Modelling , Database operation- create and drop, Collection- create and drop Data types, Insert, Query
- Update, Delete, Find, Limit , Skip, Create Index, ObjectID
- Aggregate, Replication, Shrading, Dumping and Restore, Mongostat and Mongotop,
- MongoDB client setup using Java, Reference and Embedded Relationship, DbRefs, Cover Query, $explain, $hint
- findAndModify, Indexing Array and subfield, ObjectId, Mapreduce, Text Search, Index, RegeX
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hours
📝Assessment: 2
🌟Assignment: 1
- Installation, Syntax [main()/printIn()/print()], Variable [String, Int, Boolean, float, char]
- Datatypes, Type casting, Operators, conditions, loop [ for, while], switch, break, continue
- array, methods [ parameters, overloading, recursion]
- Class [attributes, constructors, modifiers, oops, encapsulation, polymorphism, enums, abstraction, interface, exceptions, iterator, hashmap, hashset,threads], file handling
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hours
📝Assessment: 2
🌟Assignment: 1
- Types of Data,Introduction to Bigdata(History,V’s of Bigdata, Advantages & Disadvantages of BigData ), Use of Bigdata in different sectors, Introduction to Hadoop, Scaling (Horizontal and Vertical), Challenges in Scaling, Concept and challenges in parallel computing, Distributed Computing and use in Hadoop,Intro to Tools in Hadoop, Life cycle of Bigdata Analytics
- On Premises Installation Oracle Virtual Box and setup of VM & Ubuntu, Basic Linux command,Download and Installation of Hadoop,Introduction to Hadoop, Core components of Hadoop, Hadoop working Principle,HDFS Architecture
- VM creation on Cloud (AZURE), Configuration & Insight to Single Node Hadoop Deployment(bsshrc, hadoop-env, core-site, hdfs-site,mapred-site,yarn-site) , Format HDFS Namenode.
- Hadoop Commands and implementation
- Mapreduce, Mapreduce Implementation
- Mapreduce Implementation, Introduction to Hive, Hive Installation,Hive Implementaion,
- Hive Query Language, SQL Opeartions
- HIVE_SQL Opeartions
- Introduction to Sqoop, Hbase, Installation of Sqoop, Installation of Hbase, Installation of Spark, Hbase Query
- Hbase Query, PySpark Query
- PIG Installation and Query
- Oozie
- Flume [Introduction , Architecture, Environment, Implementation]
- Scala [ introduction, Architecture, Environment, Variable, Functionsclass objects]
- Scala [ Operators, Traits, Implementation]
📚No. of Lectures: 16
⏳Duration of Lecture: 48 Hours
📝Assessment: 6
🌟Assignment: 3
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
🌟Projects: 3-5
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3 Hours
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Introduction to text mining, text processing using python
- Introduction to NLTK, Tokennization, Stemming, Bag of words
- Sentiment Analysis, Name- Entity Recognition
- Text Segmentation, Text Mining, Text Classification
- Automatic speech recognition (Librosa/gardio/transformers)
- Automatic speech recognition (Librosa/gardio/transformers)
- 📚No. of Lectures: 7
- ⏳Duration of Lecture: 21 Hours
- 📝Assessment: 4
- 🌟Test/Projects
- Introduction to Image Processing, Feature Detection, OpenCV
- Convolution, Padding, Pooling & its Mechanisms
- Forward Propagation & Backward Propagation for CNN
- CNN Architectures like AlexNet, VGGNet, InseptionNet, ResNet, Transfer Learning
📚No. of Lectures: 4
⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hours
📝Aassessment: 2
🌟Assignment: 1
- Introduction, YOLO Architecture, Working Methods
- Application, Pre trained object detection
- Custom trained object detection, Darknet preparation, Data collection, Image labelling, Sync Compilation and testing
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hours
📝Aassessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- RL Framework, Component of RL Framework, Exampes of Systems
- Types of RL Systems, Q-Learning
📚No. of Lectures: 4
⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hours
📝Aassessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
🌟Projects: 3-5
MODULE 5: Elective 01
- Probability, Probability distribution, Discrete Probability Distribution, Probability Mass Function and Binomial Distribution
- Poisson Distribution, Discrete Uniform Distribution, Continuous Probability Distribution, Probability Density Function, Normal Distribution
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Aassessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Continuous Uniform, Exponential Distribution, Hypothesis Testing, Bayes Theorem and Correlation, Hypothesis Testing
- Z Distribution, Student’s T distribution, Chi-Square, Bayes Theorem, Correlation, Pearson Correlation, Linear Correlation
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Aassessment: 2
🌟Assignment: 1
- K-fold cross-validation , Hold-out Cross-validation and Stratified k-fold cross-validation
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3
📝Assessment: 0
- Hyperparameter Tuning, Ensemble Learning, Lasso Regression, Ridge, Regression, Adaboost, Adagrad
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3 Hours
📝Aassessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Classification, Binary Crossentropy class, Categorical Crossentropy class, Sparse Categorical Crossentropy class
- Poisson class, binary_crossentropy function, categorical_crossentropy function, sparse_categorical_crossentropy function
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Assesment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Regression, MeanSquaredError class, MeanAbsoluteError class, MeanAbsolutePercentageError class, MeanSquaredLogarithmicError class, CosineSimilarity class
📚No. of Lectures: 0
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3 Hours
📝Assesment: 0
🌟Assignment: 1
MODULE 6: Elective 02
- Trigger, Stored Procedures, Common Table Expression and Index
- Except, and Exists, Grouping set, Pivot, Rollup, Constraints, Partition
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3 Hours
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Pareto Analysis, Table calculation, Multiple data source blending
- Advanced Charting Techniques and Tableau Prep tool, Multiple data source blending
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3 Hours
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
- Basic of SSIS for ETL, Interview Questions
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 3 Hours
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1.5 Hours
🌟Projects: 5-7
✔️ Machine Learning Algorithms
✔️ Data Mining and Data Analysis
✔️ Deep Learning
✔️ Natural Language Processing (NLP)
✔️ Business Intelligence Tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)
✔️ Big Data Technologies (e.g., Hadoop, Spark)
✔️ Data Warehousing
✔️ Quantitative Analysis Skills
✔️ Ethical and Legal Considerations
✔️ Predictive Analytics
✔️ Statistical Modeling
✔️ Data Visualization
✔️ Time Series Analysis
✔️ Database Management Systems (e.g., SQL, )
✔️ Cutting Edge Curriculum: Hand crafted Course content made by Experts from various Industries. Learn through Practical case studies and multiple projects.
✔️ On the Go Learning: Online accessible E-learning Material, recorded lectures, case studies and Research Paper through our system.
✔️ Build Solid Foundation: 250 hours focused course on AI & BI.
✔️ Industry Mentorship: Get 1 to 1 guidance from Industry experts and start your career in Business Intelligence.
✔️ Earn a Government of India approved & globally recognized certificate by NASSCOM IT- ITes SSC by clearing NASSCOM assessment examination.
Projects will be a part of your Advance Post Graduate Certification Artificial Intelligence & Business Intelligence to solidify your learning. They ensure you have real-world experience in AI & Business Intelligence.
- Practice 20+ Essential Tools
- Designed by Industry Experts
- Get Real-world Experience
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