immersive learning
PGP in AI-DevOps Program
Nasscom Certified DevOps Certification Training Program

Program Structure

- 50 hour Pre-Learning: Before you embark on the live academic session, get ready for the Program. You will get a series of online recorded tutorials to understand the structure of DevOps to know about the fundamentals which would enrich your future learning experience.
- 265 hours Program: Here, you will get execution-based learning experience on Advance Excel, SQL, R Programming, Python, Statistics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Tableau, Power BI, Big Data with Hadoop & Spark along with Advanced Gen AI.
- 20 hours Post Program:Learning does not stop here. After completing the modular training, you will work on Domain-specific Project , Assignments. Doubt clearing is also provided. You will be working on different capstone projects from a huge repository of data sets.
- 120-hours Capstone Project:After completing the main program, you will dedicate 90 hours to designing and developing your capstone project. This will allow you to apply all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course in a comprehensive, practical project.
Orientation (Introduction to DevOps, Scope of DevOps).
📚No. of Lectures: 1
⏳Duration of Lecture: 1 Hour
📝Assessment: 0
🌟Assignment: 0
Module 1. Cloud DevOps Automation Suite
- Day 1: Introduction to Linux, Linux Distribution, Types of shell, Package Installation, Basic Linux Commands, Shell scripting
- Day 2: Core Linux Components: I/O Hardware ( Udev ), Memory management, File Management system ( Storage, NFS etc), Package Management.
- Day 3: Process Management, Linux Security: Permission, ACLs, NACLs, Server Hardening, Auditing, Multithreading.
- Day 4: Core Networking: SNAT, DNAT, IP, Netmask, DHCP, DNS, Virtual memory, Basic and Advanced Linux Command.
- Day 5: Performance Tuning: Tuning system profiles, Sysctl parameters
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 6: Introduction to Red Hat Linux, File System Management, User and Group Administration.
- Day 7: Package Management with Yum, System Services, and Networking Configuration.
- Day 8: Networking Concepts – SNAT, DNAT, IP, Netmask, and Security and Permissions.
- Day 9: System Performance Monitoring, Storage Management, and Backup and Restore.
- Day 10: Kernel and Module Management, Remote Access with SSH CPU Scheduling, Job Scheduling.
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 11: Introduction of Ansible, Installation of Ansible, Ansible Architecture & Core Concepts, Inventory: Defines managed hosts and groups, Playbooks: YAML files specifying tasks to execute on hosts .
- Day 12: Modules: Reusable code units performing specific actions (e.g., file management, service management). Roles: Reusable, modular playbooks for complex tasks Collections: Organized groups of roles, modules, and plugin.
- Day 13: Control Machine Requirements, Managed Node Requirements, Inventory setup, Modules, Adhoc Commands, Playbook, Roles Including & Importing Roles & Task Files, Writing a Playbook to Install & Configure Web Servers & Deploying an Application
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 14: Cloud Computing A Brief Introduction, AWS Features.
- Day 15: Global Infrastructure, AWS IAM, SAML, and Identities
- Day 16: Roles, Storage Services, AWS S3, and S3 Bucket.
- Day 17: Storage class, Lifecycle Management, Snowball, and CloudFront CDN.
- Day 18: EC2, AWS EC2, EC2 Instances, EBS, AWS AMI.
- Day 19: AWS Lambda, Cloudwatch EC2,and AWS BashScript.
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 20: Introduction to DevOps, DevOps Architecture, and Life cycle Workflow and Principle, Introduction to various tools of DevOps.
- Day 21: DevOps Automation, Waterfall model Agile Development and SDLC.
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 22: Introduction and installation of Docker Differentiate Docker and Virtualization [hub, container].
- Day 23: DevOps and Docker, Docker CLI & Common Operations.
- Day 24: Containerization, and Microservices.
- Day 25: Configuration, and Advantages of Microservices.
- Day 26: Docker Architecture(Components of Docker Ecosystem), Summary Docker engine, Policies.
- Day 27: Registry, Swarm and Service Placement and stack
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assesment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 28: Introduction to Container Orchestration, Kubernetes Architecture, Core Concepts, and Installation of Kubernetes.
- Day 29: Kubernetes container, Kubernetes controller, Self-healing application.
- Day 30: Horizontal pod autoscaling, Persistent volume and auto-scaling.
- Day 31: Alternate ways of Deploying Kubernetes, Services in Kubernetes.
- Day 32: Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML.
- Day 33: Volumes & its Types, Secrets & ConfigMaps.
- Day 34: Kubernetes Monitoring using Kubernetes Dashboard.
📚No. of Lectures: 6
⏳Duration of Lecture: 21 Hours
📝Assesment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
Module 2. Configuration and Integration
- Day 35:Introduction, Terraform lifecycle, Infrastructure as a Code(IaC).
- Day 36: IaC vs Configuration Management, Basic operations in Terraform Terraform Code Basics, Terraform init.
- Day 37: Plan, Apply, Deploying an end-to-end Architecture on AWS.
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 38: Need for Configuration management, Configuration Management Tools Puppet architecture.
- Day 39: Setting up Master Slave using Puppet, Manifests & Modules Applying Configuration using Puppet.
- Day 40: Puppet File Server, Deploying Sample Software Online.
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 41: Introduction to CI/CD Pipeline, Setting up a basic CI/CD Pipeline Implementing CD PIpelines.
- Day 42: CI CD Pipeline architecture, Pipeline anatomy, Merge request, Popular CI tools, Multibranch Pipelines
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 43: Pipeline as a code, Automated Testing Strategies, Introduction to CI.
- Day 44: Jenkins Overview, Installation, Tomcat, Git, and Maven setup.
- Day 45: Jenkin Integration, Jenkin job configuration, Script and Shell builds.
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
Module 3. Coding, Building, Testing and Monitoring
- Day 46: Introduction to Version Control, Introduction to Git & its Installation, Git Lifecycle, Basics of Git: Repositories, Commits, Branches
- Day 47: Remote Repositories: Cloning, Pushing, Pulling, Git Workflow and Forking, GitHub Features: Repositories, Issues
- Day 48: Pull Requests, GitLab Features: Repositories, CI/CD, GitLab Runner, Managing Collaborations: Forking, Pull Requests, Merging
- Day 49: Working with Git Branches: Branching, Merging, Rebasing, Git Workflows: Git Flow, Forking Workflow
- Day 50: Setting up GitHub Actions for CI/CD, Securing Git Repositories: SSH Keys, Access Control
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 51: Overview of Various Build Tools, What is Maven, and It’s Architecture, Maven Plugins, Maven Archetypes.
- Day 52: Integration of Jacoco plugin for Code Coverage Maven Commands, Overview of Maven Applications
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 53: Continuous testing, Introduction to Selenium, Explaining the code Running Test Cases on Chromium WebDriver.
- Day 54: Instantiating objects and variables, Locating GUI Elements, Note on Using findElement(By.cssSelector()).
- Day 55: Common Commands, Implementing Page Object Model (POM), Instantiating Web Elements.
- Day 56: Get Commands, Clicking on an Element, and Navigate commands, Closing and Quitting Browser Windows.
- Day 57: Switching Between Frames, Waits, Conditions, Switching Between Pop-up Windows.
- Day 58: Using ExpectedConditions, Catching Exceptions, Integrating Selenium with CI tools like Jenkins.
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 18 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 59: Installation Of Grafana , Database Installation MySQL Grafana Setup with My SQL , Installation of Prometheus.
- Day 60: Setting Up Prometheus on the Kubernetes cluster, Alerts in Grafana Monitoring K8 Cluster with Prometheus, Grafana Plugins.
📚No. of Lectures: 2
⏳Duration of Lecture: 6 Hours
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
Module 4. Cloud Management and Dashboards
- Day 61: Introducing container technology, Creating containerized services, Managing containers
- Day 62: Managing container images, Creating custom container images, Deploying containerized applications on OpenShift.
- Day 63: Deploying multi-container applications, Troubleshooting containerized applications.
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 64: Introduction to OpenStack, Cloud Computing and OpenStack Core Services.
- Day 65: Setting up OpenStack , OpenStack Networking and OpenStack Storage .
- Day 66: OpenStack Dashboard, User Management and Advanced OpenStack Configuration.
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 67: Introduction to Helm, Helm Architecture: Helm Client, Tiller, Helm Chart Helm Repositories, Basic Helm Commands, Working with Helm Charts Anatomy of a Helm Chart: Chart.yaml, values.yaml, templates/ Upgrading and Rolling Back Releases and Uninstalling a Release.
- Day 68: Template Files and Templating Language, Using Helm Functions and Pipelines, Using values.yaml for Configuration, Dependencies in Helm Charts, Helm Hooks and Lifecycle Events, Helm Tests, Managing Secrets with Helm, Dependencies in Helm Charts, Managing Chart Versions, Using Helm with CI/CD Pipelines, Helm and Kubernetes RBAC, Packaging and Distributing Helm Charts.
- Day 69: Effective Use of values.yaml, Strategies for Managing Complex Configurations, Version Control for Helm Charts, Debugging Helm Charts, Security Considerations, Deploying a Multi-Tier Application with Helm, Using Helm with Stateful Applications, Helm in Production Environments, Real-World Use Cases and Examples, Q&A and Troubleshooting.
📚No. of Lectures: 3
⏳Duration of Lecture: 9 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
Module 5. Artificial Intelligence
- Day 70: Introduction to ML, Types of variables, Encoding, Normalization, Standardization, Types of ML, Linear Regression.
- Day 71: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, SVM, KNN, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest.
- Day 72: Mean Absolute Error, Mean and Root Mean Square Error, Confusion Matrix, R2 Score, Adjusted R2 Score,F1 Score.
- Day 73: Classification Report, AUC ROC, Accuracy, Ensemble Techniques, Random Forest, Xgboost.
- Day 74: Unsupervised Machine Learning, PCA, Clustering, k-Means Clustering and Hierarchical clustering.
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 75: Introduction to Neural Network, Foreward Propagation, Activation Function.
- Day 76: Activation Function(Linear, Sigmoid, Relu, Leaky Relu), Optimizers, Gradient Descent, Stochastics Gradient Descent.
- Day 77: Mini batch Gradient Descent, Adagrad, Padding, Pooling, Convolution.
- Day 78: Checkpoints and Neural Networks Implementation and Introduction to Time Series Analysis,
- Day 79: Various components of the TSA, Decomposition Method(Additive and Multiplicative) ARIMA,
📚No. of Lectures: 5
⏳Duration of Lecture: 15 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 80: Introduction to Image Processing, Feature Detection, OpenCV.
- Day 81: Convolution, Padding, Pooling & its Mechanisms.
- Day 82: Forward Propagation & Backward Propagation for CNN .
- Day 83: CNN Architectures like AlexNet, VGGNet, InseptionNet, ResNet, Transfer Learning
📚No. of Lectures: 4
⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
- Day 84: Introduction to Text Mining, Text Processing using Python and Introduction to NLTK.
- Day 85: Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modeling (LDA) and Name- Entity Recognition.
- Day 86: BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), Text Segmentation, Text Mining, Text Classification.
- Day 87: Automatic Speech Recognition, Introduction to Web Scraping.
📚No. of Lectures: 4
⏳Duration of Lecture: 12 Hour
📝Assessment: 1
🌟Assignment: 1
Module 6. Capstone Projects
✔️ Configuration Management
✔️ Container Orchestration
✔️ Cloud Platform
✔️ Version Control
✔️ Monitoring Tools
✔️ Scripting Automation
✔️ Infrastructure as Code
✔️ Security Practices
✔️ Team Collaboration
✔️ Cutting Edge Curriculum: Hand crafted Course content made by Experts from various Industries. Learn through Practical case studies and multiple projects.
✔️ On the Go Learning: Online accessible E-learning Material, recorded lectures, case studies and Research Paper through our system.
✔️ Build Solid Foundation: 265 hours focused course on DevOps.
✔️ Industry Mentorship: Get 1 to 1 guidance from Industry experts and start your career in DevOps.
✔️ Earn a Government of India approved & globally recognized certificate by NASSCOM IT- ITes SSC by clearing NASSCOM assessment examination.
Course Certificates
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Program Fees
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The program typically spans around 720 hours, covering various aspects of DevOps practices and tools.
- Classes are typically conducted through a combination of live instructor-led sessions, hands-on labs, and self-paced learning modules. Recorded sessions are also available for review.